Geography is for many people more than just a social science, it is the love of their life.
Unlike old eras in which those who loved geography had to get into a ship and sail for years at the time uncertain if they were going to make it back in one piece, modern geography lovers can work with technology to help them see the world and work with it.
Read on and learn how you can turn your love for geography into an actual career pursuit.

Physical Geography & Human Geography
This is an early decision in the life of a Geographer and it is to choose between to different disciplines.
The first one, physical Geography, is related to the field of natural sciences and studies the Earth materials and processes. The second one is a human science and relates directly to humans, their communities, cultures and interactions.
Whichever you choose, the outcome will be very different, so think this one thoroughly.

Human Issues Requiring A Geographer
Human kind is going through complicated times in many senses. There are some related to human sciences and others related to natural sciences.
For example, climate change and all the natural disasters and consequences it brings are a part of physical Geography.
On the other hand, all the effects of the world’s overpopulation, the multicultural interactions between people, the urban expansion and even the possibility to find a job can be addressed by a human Geographer.
Also, there are high chances for geographers to work on not-so extreme topics and scenarios. Let’s take a look at some of the jobs a Geographer could have today.
Sis Loves Me is certainly now an issue for humans. To be more specific we mean that this series, being in the adult entertainment industry touches the taboo subjects of our society. While you could say that these subjects are a lot smaller than geographical problems they are still on our minds 24/7. Sis Loves Me is all about step siblings having their own spicy moments while being home alone. You can watch the previews at and make up your own mind.

Environmental Consultant
The role of an environmental Consultant is very varied and can involve desk work as well as field work.
The basis of the role is to assess the previous state and the impact of commercial and residential endeavors.
These professionals can work for the government or private companies alike.

A cartographer is geography’s most ancient occupation.
Nowadays, though, the role has changed a lot and most cartographers work with advanced technology such as digital mapping techniques and GIS (Geographical Information Systems).
They can also be trusted the restoration of old documents and maps as well as surveying. Still, the cartographer’s main task will be to generate new maps and info with analysis tools.

Geographical Information Systems
This role is for those who besides loving Geography also love computers and information analysis. The systems the GIS officers have to run are very complex and the out coming data is just as technical and valuable.
The analyzed results will be feeding other industries such as meteorology, gas, transport and telecommunications among many others.
This is a very technical and important role for a Geographer that most love.

Conservation & Recycling Officer
For those out there passionate about the environment and raising awareness, these two careers are all they can ask for.
The conservation officer looks for ways in which communities can live more in harmony with their surrounding ecosystem. This involves to plan and execute measures that will lower human impact on nature while still benefitting from it.
The recycling officer, on the other hand, is the one in charge of reducing the impact of human trash on nature by optimizing, reusing and recycling resources. If sustainability is your thing, these two careers are perfect for you.

Teaching is for some people the most rewarding type of work they can have. To touch someone else’s life with knowledge is the ultimate feeling for teachers.
If this rings a bell on you, then teaching might be your future.
It takes a lot of passion, dedication and hard work, bit the outcome might just make the world a better place in years to come.
Pursuing a career in geography is, first of all, a statement of love for the subject. If you really love geography and can make your passion a paid job, you might be one of those lucky people going to work with a smile every morning.
Whichever path you choose as a specific application of your knowledge and passion, make sure you do your best.